Sunday, 16 September 2007

houses, reading, guide camp and book keeping

I know I had promised I would keep this more up to date than it has been but things are still so busy in what I thought was a rather quite life.

We are days away from moving house just now waiting for confirmation of the dates. I am going to take loads of pictures of our old house cause now we are so close to leaving it I am getting rather sad but so very excited.

Elvis as you can see has been busy getting ready and thought he would help me with my washing

I have today been book keeping as sad as it may sound I really enjoy and its much better than all the sport Chris continues to watch. I have been finding myself having a conversation about the Rugby world cup to find he has changed the channel and its now the cricket world cup and he is laughing at me again for not knowing anything about sport. Then all of a sudden the F1 motor racing. Keeping my head in the books seems much easier to me. That's all going really well though. I am about to get my second assignment in some time in the next few days. After getting an A on the last I am hoping I can keep this good work up.

I finished the last Harry Potter book last week and thought it was ok. It had been far too hyped up and that made for large expectations. Still I have now changed my reading standards for a while and thought I would re-visit the world of Riders by Jilly Cooper for some real take your mind off things fiction. I love these books and merly only read them to escape.

Since I last posted I have been on Guide camp. I had such an amazing time and I would post photos but I am not allowed in case the girls are in shot. We had many adventures one of which was when I was walking through the site I found the other leader, Ruth standing there looking most confused at about midnight when all the girls were tucked up in bed. She had been woken by lots of rustling. She, as I did once she had explained thought there was a stranger on the site eating his or her way through the store tent not being very successful in being quiet. I didn't know what to do but for fear of the girls safety I ran to the store tent and threw open the doors ready to jump on the back of a big scary man not sure what I would do after that and found a lovely hedgehog snuffling through a packet of Custard Creams. It was so sweet but it was the middle of the night and I wanted my bed so I tried to usher him out of the tent which he did not want to do. Eventually he moved to the edge so I lifted the tent over him and went to bed hoping he wouldn't steal any more food. By morning he was gone and we were only a packet of Custard Creams down. Well after this camp I have now passed my licence subject to a few bits and bobs of paper work and I can camp with the guides when ever I want to.

Yesterday, Rosie, a Friend from work stayed and she decided it would be a good idea to ride her bicycle all the way back to Norwich. Mad she must be but she bloomin did it. She left here at 4:30pm ish and arrived at approx 6:40pm. Good on her is all I can say but she is completetly mad.

Still I have had a lovely week end just pondering and pottering and promise to show you some made things very soon