Wednesday, 18 April 2007

This week

I have now been back at work for 1 week and I hate it. I am now going to apply for every job I can find to get out of there.

Enough of that. I have succeeded where others have failed and managed to make a toad in the hole with no help from my mum as she has been in the states with dad looking at the bodies exhibition which is dead people cut up and severe weather from snow and buying snow chains for their car to dust storms in the desert. Sounded like they had a great time. Any way here is a picture of my toad in the hole taken by him so it is a little out of focus.

My mum in law also planted these great bulbs that looked like caterpillars a few years ago and suddenly this year they have decided to do some thing.
They are a most wonderful colour purple but this hasn't come out so well on these pictures.
Brov in law is back tomorrow for a holiday! Its gonna be strange having him home again after so many weeks. Well 8 weeks of being without him I really don't know how Chris is going to cope with having him home again. He is so excited he is bouncing off the walls even though he has to get up at 3am to pick him up from the airport. I see a very long weekend ahead of more parties and lots of family occasions like lunch with the grannies. It's going to be fun I hope.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Sorry you had such a rough time at work yesterday. It's just the way it goes in that place. Sometimes I think less is more. The less I try to achieve and the less I get bothered by it the better I do. I think you need some time off more than anything, or at least a day away from the office during the week!